Home News Latest VIDEO: Twin Babies Hold Conversation

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VIDEO: Twin Babies Hold Conversation Print E-mail
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Written by Peter Martinez   
March 30, 2011 06:56

(UPDATED: 12:40 P.M. EST)

What seems to be small talk... turns into a full fledged conversation between two twin babies.

It's a story that has caught the attention of ABC's World News & Good Morning America.

The original YouTube clip can be seen below.

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And ABC's Linsey Davis Reports for World News:


{See John Berman's GMA report by clicking through this post to see more.}

Here's John Berman's report from ABC's Good Morning America

To see another story about a baby being scared by her mother's nose blowing: click here.

Twin Babies Hold Conversation


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Last Updated on March 30, 2011 11:40



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