Home News Latest VIDEO: Road Rage Truck Driver Crashes

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VIDEO: Road Rage Truck Driver Crashes Print E-mail
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Written by Peter Martinez   
March 28, 2014 09:22

Here's some aggressive driving in Florida that's getting a lot of attention online! A woman was recording as a man in a pickup truck was tailgating her.

He pulled up to pass her, shot off "the bird," and then he cuts her off.

Moments later, the man loses control of his pickup truck and smashes through the road median and ends up in a grassy ditch.

VIDEO: Road Rage Truck Driver Crashes

You can hear the woman, who filmed the three minute ordeal on her iPhone, say out her window: "That's what you get; It's all on camera buddy!"

(click through to see the video)

With this video, police were able to identify the man who was later arrested for leaving the scene of a crash.


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MOBILE LINK: http://youtu.be/xp95QaqqDtM

What's your take on the incident: who's most at fault?

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Last Updated on March 28, 2014 11:36



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